Friday, February 26, 2010

Alright folks the Sun is starting to come out, the days are getting a little longer and I'm ready to blog away! give some things away! and give out some awesome information! Stay tuned!

The Bluegill Tracker!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Stay in Prayer

Keep in prayer Haiti and middle Tennesse for we are climbing out a snow storm we were not used to or prepared for.

God Bless!

Keep the lines tight until the ice breaks!

It is very cold!
I still have giveaways ready to ship!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year (Free Giveaways!)

Happy New Year Folks!
It is cold today and it's the deep south! Right now it is about 11 degrees and that's not including the windchill factor! This is Tennessee! This doesn't happen too often down here. We are supposed to have a heavy snow to come in mid week. So all I can do right now is blog a little. I've got another giveaway called the UnHOOKum Tool. This is a great tool I personally use one. Are you tired of trying to get the smallest hook out without a fight? Well this tool can be your answer. It's simple to use, it hangs around your neck out of the way, and it's just plain handy! I'm giving one away but you can see it in action on the "breambug" website. (which you can click on in the left column) They have a DVD to where you can see it in action and it's great! Shoot me a pic, email, or comment with your contacts and I'll ship it in the mail right away at no cost to you!

Tight Lines!
Stay warm!
Our day is coming soon!

Mr. "T" The Bluegill Tracker